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Air Conditioning

Indoor Air Quality

Breathe deep in your home with premier IAQ solutions!

Enhance Your College Station Home

Breathe Easier Indoors With IAQ Solutions

Many popular sayings and traditions praise the virtues of a clean home. While visible cleanliness might be important, indoor air quality — or IAQ — can arguably be far more impactful on your life and health. Unfortunately, IAQ is often overlooked because it can’t be seen.

At Summit Air Conditioning & Heating, few things are as important to us as the safety and health of our customers. That’s why it’s become one of our missions to educate and inform about the importance of IAQ while providing actionable solutions, ideas and services that can help improve their day-to-day lives.

happy woman sitting on her couch with her dog smiling while holding the dog

What Determines Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality is determined by the concentration of suspended microscopic particles that are present in the breathable air of a given space. The higher the concentration, the lower the air quality is.

IAQ is affected and impacted by a large number of factors, some entirely out of our control like our geographical location or our surrounding neighborhood.

While we may not be able to influence everything, we can provide our customers with the best information possible so the air in your home has the best chance of being as clean and pure as possible.

What Are The Biggest Contributors To Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Different factors impact the air you breathe within your home. From pollutants to ventilation, understanding these elements is crucial for creating a healthier living environment.

Pet Dander

Unfortunately, our furry friends are some of the leading contributors to poor air quality. Even the best-trained pup releases an uncontrollable amount of dander and fur into the air which can impact allergies and make being at home harder on your lungs over the long term.

Inadequate Ventilation

Insufficient ventilation can lead to poor indoor air quality. Without proper airflow, fresh air circulation throughout all spaces of your home becomes compromised, increasing the risk of stagnation in specific areas and potentially allowing pollutants to accumulate. It is crucial to address ventilation issues to maintain a healthy and comfortable living space.

Combustion Sources

Anything that burns or gets excessively hot has the potential to cause combustion — one of the leading causes of poor IAQ. This means that it’s important to ensure that there’s proper ventilation anytime you’re doing something like burning a candle or incense, or even cooking at the stove.

Building Materials And Furnishings

Over the last few decades, outdated building materials — such as asbestos — have become notorious for the onset of lung disease. If you live in an older building, it’s important to be aware of what the structure is made of so that you can take any necessary action to protect the health of you and your loved ones.

Poorly Maintained HVAC Systems

Failing to maintain some of the most standard components of your HVAC system can greatly impact the overall quality of the air inside your home. Clogged filters and dirty ducts, combined with mold and mildew growth, can transform your AC into a system that spreads airborne contaminants.

There are many contributing factors to poor indoor air quality, but these are just some of the most impactful to look out for.

How Can You Improve Your Air At Home?

Many things can be done that will greatly improve your indoor air quality. Some of the most effective are:

  • Scheduling yearly AC tune-ups
  • Having your ductwork cleaned every 3-5 years
  • Ensuring that your filters are changed once every 90 days
  • Being diligent about cleaning, particularly dusting and vacuuming
  • Regularly cleaning any linens or decorative fabrics like curtains and rugs
  • Having your pet regularly brushed and groomed
  • Monitoring local air quality and letting in fresh air accordingly
  • Investing in additional indoor air filtration products like purifiers and whole-home filtration systems

By taking these steps, you can improve your indoor air and enjoy a fresher space. For more thorough solutions, reach out to our team to learn about IAQ products and services.

Take A Breath Of Fresh Summit Air

If you’re looking for the best and most comprehensive IAQ solutions in College Station then you’ve come to the right place. Do yourself a favor and call the professional sat Summit Air Conditioning & Heating now!

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