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College Station, TX
tech using a special piece of aluminum tape to repair a rip in ductwork
Air Conditioning

Duct Repair

Make sure the roads are clear for your air to travel on!

Top-Notch Ductwork Services

College Station Air Duct Services

Ductwork acts as the backbone for your entire HVAC system. A well-installed, fault-free duct system is essential. Without it, heated or cooled air produced by your unit can be wasted as it lacks a reliable pathway to enter your home’s rooms.

When you’re experiencing ductwork problems and your entire HVAC system is suffering because of it, the team here at Summit Air Conditioning & Heating is here and has everything required to provide the best ductwork repair in College Station.

man using special take to repair a rip in a air duct tubing

Most Common Air Duct Repair Services

As a simple pathway, it might not seem like there’s much that can go wrong with ductwork. However, as simple as it may be, ductwork must be installed properly and efficiently if an HVAC system is to have the best chance at reliably providing climate control for a home.

Read on to learn more about some of the most common ductwork repairs our team provides.

Duct Cleaning

Clean ductwork is just as important as a clean air filter if you want an HVAC system that’s both functioning at peak efficiency and not actively acting as a detriment to your air quality and health.

Depending on environmental factors and use, we recommend that you have your ductwork professionally cleaned every 3-5 years to prevent problematic accumulations of dirt and debris.

Leaky Air Ducts

An HVAC system can lose a shocking amount of its total efficiency through leaks, often occurring at seams and at points where components attach and connect to ductwork. All of these areas must be properly sealed. Every fault and leak represents a point of efficiency loss for your system and money wasted.

Insulation Repair Or Replacement

Because its job is to transport air after it has been fully heated or cooled by your system, ductwork must be adequately insulated to prevent temperature from being transferred or lost into the areas surrounding your ductwork.

Ductwork Reconfiguration

Ductwork design and configuration might seem like a simple matter, however, it’s easy to make simple mistakes. Those mistakes can have compounding effects when it comes to the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Every excess foot of ductwork represents an increased chance of a leak or something else going wrong. That’s why we take our time when installing a duct layout and do our absolute best to ensure that your system is configured as efficiently and conveniently as possible.

Repairing Damaged Ducts

In addition to leaking seams, air ducts can become damaged by any number of random events — from rearranging stored holiday decorations to an overzealous squirrel who’s decided to make your attic home.

Whatever the case may be, we’re capable of patching, repairing or replacing individual segments of the duct so that all damage can be restored and efficiency can be returned to normal.

Airflow Balancing

Airflow balancing involves the adjustment of registers and dampeners to regulate the pressure and airflow of your system. While registers impact where the air is released, dampers affect how much air flows through specific ducts.

Adjusting registers can be handled on your own, but for more extensive optimization, your dampeners need to be adjusted by professionals. Achieving even and consistent airflow throughout your home is a precise task that demands expertise.

Duct Repair Done With Care, At Summit

Air duct repair services might seem like a trivial matter, but the team here at Summit Air Conditioning & Heating takes it very seriously. If you’re dealing with duct damage or any type of ductwork or HVAC issue whatsoever, don’t wait until it’s too late — call the professionals at Summit AC today.

From complicated installations to simple cleaning jobs, we approach every project with the same attitude that’s proven itself time and time again for helping us provide our customers with a standard of service that’s second to none.

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