To maintain a comfortable home during hotter times of the year, many College Station residents rely on a functioning air conditioning system. Unfortunately, homeowners can inadvertently cause their air conditioners to break down.
At Summit Air Conditioning & Heating, we’re here to help you avoid AC malfunctions — which is why we’re sharing a few common mistakes that can contribute to extensive repairs or early replacement. Read on to learn how you might be unintentionally harming your AC and how to prevent these issues.
Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and efficiency of your cooling system. Neglecting routine check-ups can unintentionally cause a range of issues that lead to more significant problems. Here are some key reasons why regular AC tune-ups are essential:
Skipping regular maintenance can cause your air conditioner to break down more frequently. Dust and debris can accumulate in the system, leading to clogged filters and reduced airflow.
Over time, this puts extra strain on your unit, causing it to overheat and fail. Regular upkeep ensures your system operates with efficiency, preventing expensive repairs and breakdowns.
Setting your thermostat too low may seem like a quick way to cool your home faster. However, it can actually cause significant damage to your AC.
When the temperature setting is too low, the system has to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This issue can lead to overheating and excessive wear and tear to the unit.
Setting your thermostat too low can cause indirect problems to your system’s condenser. An overworked cooling unit can cause the AC condenser to trip the breaker. Consistent tripping can be harmful to the system and also poses a fire hazard.
If you find that your breaker is frequently tripping, it’s a sign that your system is under too much strain. Our team can provide your unit with professional attention and repair-based solutions.
Many homeowners believe that closing vents in unused rooms will save energy and improve efficiency. However, this practice can actually cause more harm than good. Closing vents can disrupt the balance of air pressure in your HVAC system. This occurrence can lead to performance issues.
Yes, closing too many vents and registers can indeed cause your air conditioner to freeze. When vents are closed, the reduced airflow can cause the evaporator coil to drop below freezing.
Moisture in the air then freezes on the coil, leading to a frozen air conditioning unit. This problem can block airflow entirely and result in system failure.
Your unit will often give you warning signs before it undergoes a complete breakdown. Unusual noises such as grinding, squealing or banging, as well as strange smells like burning or mustiness, are all indicators of an issue.
Ignoring these warning signs can lead to severe damage and higher repair costs. If you notice any unusual sounds or smells, it’s essential to contact Summit Air Conditioning & Heating immediately. We’ll assist you with professional inspections and necessary repairs.
Air filters are crucial for maintaining good indoor air quality and protecting your home from airborne impurities. However, not all filters are created equal. Using the wrong type can cause problems.
Using a filter that is too restrictive can reduce airflow, causing your system to work harder than necessary. On the other hand, a filter that isn’t effective enough can allow debris to accumulate in the system. This issue can lead to clogs and lower efficiency.
At Summit Air Conditioning & Heating, we understand how vital a well-functioning air conditioning system is for homeowners in College Station. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can extend the life of your unit and ensure it runs efficiently throughout the year.
With our air conditioner repairs, you can ensure your unit operates seamlessly throughout the warmer season. Contact us today to schedule a service with our team!